A balanced living therapy; is to feel alive. And so, you first need to achieve a certain level of well-being. And this well-being comes first and foremost through the notion of balance; that is to say, finding harmony between one's activities and one's health. Here are the few essential pillars of balanced living therapy.
1. Balanced living therapy; Food
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about a balanced life is food. Indeed, we are at a time when advertisements urge us to eat more than reason, for the pleasure. At the same time, it is logical that everyone seeks to combine enjoyment and food. It is precisely on this point that we must learn to distinguish between immediate pleasure and long-term pleasure; by favoring a healthy, varied, focused diet, on nutritional intake and food quality rather than pleasure. It is not only your body that will say thank you but also your mind. You shouldn't deprive yourself entirely either, but the scarcity will make your taste pleasures more intense than if you repeat them every day.
2. Balanced living therapy; Physical activity
Indeed, sport is among the essential keys to a balanced living therapy. It is excellent for the circulation of the blood, for the heart rate, breathing, etc. To maintain your body through sport, it is to respect yourself everything by forging your body against diseases, and which is good for morale too.
3. Balanced living therapy; Good health
The first two pillars are the guarantors, but it is also necessary to take care of your body and its spirit. There are many types of natural ingredient therapies or treatments that can help you get better and make your life more enjoyable.
4. Balanced living therapy; Pleasures
A balanced life is, as its name suggests, a life that does not run into excess. It's a life that makes you feel good but still allows you to move forward.
Therefore, the first mistake would be to remove all those passions and those little unreasonable pleasures that we all love to do.
So, do not deprive yourself of doing what you want; you will regret it later. Live your life and live it to the fullest.
Also, be careful not to revolve your life around someone. Becoming emotionally dependent on someone is very harmful to self-development, and you have a lot more to lose than to gain.
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5. Balanced living therapy; Limit obligations
Another pillar of balanced living therapy is to limit obligations. Nothing demoralizes you as long as the obligatory visits with painful parents, duties that you impose on yourself when you already have a busy schedule. Live healthier by putting up barriers from the start.
Don't take on chores at work while your coworkers go through coffee breaks and darts in the next ward. Make yourself respected quietly without deviating from your principles to keep a good balance between profession and private life.
6. Balanced living therapy; Live differently
As long as you have a roof, being in good health, and have even a modest source of income, there is no reason to burden yourself with unnecessary, expensive, and often bulky items that ruin your life and strain you to take out loans.
Don't stick to your material possessions; buy the bare minimum and make or reinvent the rest. Seeing your life differently also offers you new hobbies and opportunities for holidays or celebrations that go off the beaten track and embellish your daily life.
7. Balanced living therapy; Heal yourself naturally
Don't go to the pharmacy every time you have a cold. There are all kinds of very effective and safe grandma's remedies available to help you heal. The common cold virus, in most cases, takes about 5 days to leave your body.
Swallowing lots of paracetamol does not speed up healing. It isn't good for your immune system and your digestive system. Instead, consider steaming treatments, essential oils, and the good old treatments that still work.
8. Balanced living therapy, Put your mind in order
You cannot live a healthy life if you are drowning in regrets, grudges, and other remorse. Ask yourself what all these negative feelings can do for you. Don't constantly blame yourself for past mistakes.
Although you have a time machine, you cannot change the events of the past. You might as well store them in a remote corner of your mind with a big padlock on it.
9. Balanced living therapy; Think carefully
If you want to have as few problems as possible, there is a simple recipe. Avoid overly complicated situations that get you into endless trouble. An example, you have just signed a contract and found the accommodation that suits you.
Don't immediately embark on a life together with the person you like. Take the time to get to know her well before having a child or getting married. These are long-term commitments that you shouldn't take lightly if you want to stay healthy in body and mind over the long term.
10. Balanced living therapy: Social relationships
A balanced life depends not only on the attention paid to your own body but also on its relationship to otherness. Healthy social relationships are very important; whether it's the family circle, the couple, or your friends, you have to know how to surround yourself with people who can pull you up and bring you positivity. Balance comes from those around you but also from relationships at work. In a job, these relationships can be more problematic because we cannot choose them. However, sometimes you have to know how to live with your most boring colleagues, which also means doing work on yourself, a sign of maturity that can only be beneficial. Work can be a real source of imbalance when things are not going well, so it is important to opt for a positive attitude and move forward to put all the chances on your side to succeed and be successful, flourish in a job that you love.
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Originally published on Live Positively.