The cat mom primarily provides education for the kitten. She is the one who teaches him, especially in the first two months, how to be a proper cat. Logically, the first rule to follow to educate a kitten successfully is not to separate him from his mother at an early age! Otherwise, the cat is an autonomous animal that requires very little education. Above all, he needs to be tamed, that is, to get to know you and vice versa.
This reciprocal taming is truly essential. The first relationships you establish with your kitten condition his future behavior as a cat. And many disorders that develop in adulthood are just the result of a bad start in life.
Here are some tips to follow to educate a kitten well.
Play with your kitten
The kitten acquires many elements of education in a fun way. Socialization, in particular, is acquired through tenderness and play. By stimulating him frequently, by sharing moments of pleasure with him, you will teach him to appreciate contact with human beings. Your authority over him should also be based on games. To show him who is the leader (immediately give up becoming his "master"), perform the following manipulation: grab your kitten delicately by the skin of the neck and lay it peacefully on his side. Using the fingertips of your free hand, gently press her stomach. Your kitten should stop moving and curl up his paws in an attitude of passivity. This is typically the kind of attitude (playing on the dominant-dominated relationship) that his mother uses to show her little one his social position in relation to her.
Teach with patience:
Whatever element of behavior you want to instill in your kitten, always favor gentleness and patience. Systematically reward him with petting, food, and games when he behaved the way you wanted.
Punish your kitten, but not just anyhow
Resorting to punishment is only justified when absolutely necessary (if the cat bites you while playing, for example) and always in a restrained manner. Never hit your pet; scare him by using a squirt gun or spray. You can also frighten him by making a loud noise, using a whistle.
Teach him cleanliness
Kittens usually learn pretty quickly to use their litter box or toilet house. Be forewarned; it is not uncommon for a small accident to happen during your kitten's learning period. If that happens, don't get mad at him. You should always be patient and respond gently. Put your kitten in his litter box or toilet, calmly explain that this is the place for him to defecate, and pat his head. Then slowly eclipse yourself to leave him in complete privacy.
When one of your kittens is in his litter box or toilet house, the other siblings suddenly feel the urge to join him. It is not uncommon to see two kittens using their litter box at the same time. However, as adults, each cat should have his own litter box.
Caresses and treats as rewards:
Some experts in the feline world do not appreciate the noise made by this accessory, similar to that of a small firecracker. Others feel that using a training aid like the Clicker is too impersonal a solution. Whatever your opinion, the most important thing is that you develop a relationship of trust and that you strengthen your bonds with your little roommate. Because educating a kitten also serves to bring you closer to him!
Critics of the Clicker believe kittens should be rewarded with food, praise, and petting when they've done something right. Thus, you can give your cat a taste of real pleasures when you are satisfied with his behavior. By regularly praising and rewarding your cat, you will achieve fast and lasting results.
Punishments using sprays are strongly discouraged, as this will damage the trusting relationship established between you and your cat. If you had to remember just one thing: a relationship of trust is necessary for successfully raising a kitten.
If your kitten does something you don't like, your best response is to say a clear, straight "no." At the same time, get your cat off the table, your desk, or wherever it is forbidden to it and gently place him on the ground, in his basket, or on his cat tree, for example. In this way, your little feline will quickly learn the lesson!
How to calm a cat?
The best way to reassure a stressed cat is to meet all of his basic needs: to eat, drink, have a clean litter box, something to claw at - the claw releases pheromones and generates well-being -, play, see the world exterior and be able to stand in height. Have frequent contact with your cat to congratulate him, cuddle him ... If you try to reassure him by words, of course, have a soft voice and put yourself at his level so as not to give him the feeling that you are dominating him.
Leave him a fallback solution
When you put your kitten in contact with another human being or another animal for the first time, avoid holding it. Feeling stuck can cause a panic reaction to him. By trying to escape, he can then scratch you deeply, without having any intention to hurt you. You must understand that for him, instinctively, salvation often lies in flight.