Cooked chicken breasts
chicken breasts and chicken in general, is white meat, tender and dry. There are many varieties of chicken. The Chinese and Egyptians already raised poultry thousands of years ago. So it's a very old practice. In the 17th century, in the time of Henri IV, baked chicken breast in the pot became a common dish. It was not until 1920 that chickens were raised for their meat and no longer just for their eggs.
Chicken breasts
So many questions need answers about the nutritional facts of chicken breast, the amounts of calories and hormones contained in. Discover with us the nutritional facts of chicken, in particular, chicken breasts.Chicken breasts are considered as one of the beneficial foods for the human body, as they contain many important nutrients. There are several ways to cook and bake chicken; you can boil, fry or grill it, you can prepare chicken soup or chicken salad, or prepare it with rice and sauce. In the following article, we will show the chicken breasts’ information and benefits and some chicken recipes for grilled and fried chicken breasts.
2.Nutritional information about the chicken breasts
2.1. Nutritional information
Every 100 grams of chicken breasts contain 100 calories, 23 grams of protein, and 1 gram of fat.
Calories: for every 85 grams of chicken breasts with the skin:
- Fried chicken breasts, 220 calories
- Grilled chicken breasts 165 calories
- Boiled chicken breasts 150 calories
2.2. Chicken breasts’ benefits
- The chicken breasts are very beneficial for the human body; chicken, in general, is considered as the essential food for bodybuilding players, as it:
- Help in building the muscles
- Reinforce the bones and reduces the risk of arthritis as it contains phosphor, some calcium, and selenium.
- Reduce fatigue, as it contains two nutritional elements that reduce stress; and which are the tryptophan and vitamin B5
- Enhance fertility in men because it contains testosterone.Aid to control the weight as it is poor in fat
Be sure that we're talking about food, not a medication, so we recommend adding chicken breasts on a balanced diet to get all of the benefits.Chicken meat is found in all healthy diets or for weight loss because it is healthy meat with many benefits.After talking about the nutritional benefits of chicken and chicken breasts, let us move to another part of our article and discover together how to cook a chicken and what are the important tips for a well-cooked chicken.To succeed in the best flavor of chicken, you need to know how to cook and bake chicken correctly. Spending hours on the web for the best chicken recipes will take time because you’ll find too many and different recipes, and for sure, you'll be confused about which one you follow, that's why we are here to help! By providing some important tips and tricks that let you be sure of the flavor and to get a healthy chicken dish.
- Marinate your whole chicken or even some parts of it and let it soak for at least two hours, this is the best way to let the ingredients infused to give a flavored taste and let the juices run inside the chicken.
- Avoid to cook a frozen chicken; let it melt for about 15 minutes then bake it. This is how you prevent a well-cooked chicken outside and a raw chicken inside.
- Check the internal temperature of cooking; you can use a meat thermometer to know the correct temperature and to be sure that the meat is incomplete cooking. The ideal internal temperature for cooking chicken is 165 degrees.
- After the full cooking of your chicken, mainly if it is roasted, don't cut it, give it a time to rest, to let the juices run and soak back into the meat.
- One of the food safety tips is to be sure not to wash the chicken before using it, because it may cause bacteria and germs to splash throughout the kitchen.
Those are some of the tips and tricks that will help you to achieve a delicious and juicy chicken dish that will make you sure of its flavor.The last part of our article is about some recipes of chicken breasts. Grilled and fried chicken breasts, so bring a paper and a pen to note the ingredients and try one of our recipes, maybe for dinner, why not!!
3. Grilled chicken breasts
- About 500 grams of boneless chicken breastFor the marinade:
- Head of a small onion, finely chopped.- A clove of finely chopped garlic.- Three tablespoons of olive oil.- Three tablespoons of yogurt- One lemon juice.- A teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of black pepper, and a teaspoon of sugar.You may add some herbs for more flavor such as; oregano, onion powder, and garlic powder.
Wash and clean the chicken breasts, then cut them. Combine together the marinade ingredients. Soak the chicken breasts to the marinade and mix it well, then leave it for at least two hours. Later heat the grill to a medium temperature and grill the chicken strips for about 8 to 10 minutes for each side until they are soft and roasted and get a full grilling.
4. Fried chicken breasts
Ingredients:Eight of chicken breasts cut into medium-sized pieces.
- Two eggs.- 1 tablespoon of dried coriander.- A cup of lemon juice.- 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise.- 2 cups of breadcrumbs- 1 tablespoon of cumin. another tablespoon of black pepper. and a tablespoon of salt.oregano
Mix the marinade ingredients well, then add the cleaned chicken pieces, season them well and leave them for a quarter of an hour to two hoursPut the chicken pieces in wooden sticks, and then fry them in oil until it is golden and cooked.So now, what are you waiting for? Head to your kitchen to try one of our delicious recipes and use our tips to enjoy the best and flavored chicken!Originally published on Live Positively.